Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Eff the Dog

Does anyone want a really pretty dog? There's a glitch though. This one will wake you up anywhere from 6:30am to 9am... she just barks intermittently until someone acknowledges her. She doesn't need to go pee or anything... she just doesn't want to be alone. Grrrrrrrrrr. (oh, dog's growl, don' they? well so do humans when they don't get enough sleep).

Talk about lack of sleep. Two saturdays in a row, the neighbours across the street thought it would be a good idea to replace the shingles on their roof... starting at FIVE THIRTY IN THE MORNING!!!!! The first saturday I let it go, but the next saturday, I got up, took the barky the dog with me and confronted them!

me: Do you realize what time it is?
Them: Yes m'am.
me: you're waking up the whole neighbourhood.
Them: We need to get this done m'am.
me: But could you not start at a more decent hour?
Them: no m'am. If you have a problem call the police. They won't do anything about it.
me: thank you for your consideration.

I mean, Jeezzzz....

What's next?

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