Saturday, July 4, 2009

I always know when he's back in town, because it becomes stormy again

I was harrassed last night by the deadbeat... at 2:30 am. I bite back... I shouldn't have, but I did. I really need to practise some more control over my impulses. How can I have been married to someone for almost 2 decades and not know what a sociopathic pathetic excuse for a human he is. I told him that difficult times are a test to a person's mettle... and he failed gloriously. The worst part of it is how to uses the children as pawns in his evil game to ruin my life. I have toughened up some. I'm not the complete submissive woman I used to be. I fight back now, and try not to let him call all the shots. He was a shitty husband, unfortunatly. I was his trophy/piece of meat/doormat. He never really did like me all that much. When I begged him to seek counseling years ago (11, to be exact), he laughed in my face and told me I was the problem. Because we had three children together, I just put my head in the sand like an ostrich. I guess it became too much for me.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happy Canada Day

Today I will write about my divorce. I am going to randomly write things, in no particular order. The deadbeat still refuses to pay for his children. Nevermind spousal... When they come to me, he sends them with no money. They have to ask my partner for money if they want to do anything, as I am currently unemployed.

He keeps sending me these proposals and tries to bully me into accepting a deal that suits him. My lawyer thinks if I accept, I am getting screwed.

One day I'll write my whole story. Just because.