Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Eff the Dog

Does anyone want a really pretty dog? There's a glitch though. This one will wake you up anywhere from 6:30am to 9am... she just barks intermittently until someone acknowledges her. She doesn't need to go pee or anything... she just doesn't want to be alone. Grrrrrrrrrr. (oh, dog's growl, don' they? well so do humans when they don't get enough sleep).

Talk about lack of sleep. Two saturdays in a row, the neighbours across the street thought it would be a good idea to replace the shingles on their roof... starting at FIVE THIRTY IN THE MORNING!!!!! The first saturday I let it go, but the next saturday, I got up, took the barky the dog with me and confronted them!

me: Do you realize what time it is?
Them: Yes m'am.
me: you're waking up the whole neighbourhood.
Them: We need to get this done m'am.
me: But could you not start at a more decent hour?
Them: no m'am. If you have a problem call the police. They won't do anything about it.
me: thank you for your consideration.

I mean, Jeezzzz....

What's next?

Saturday, July 4, 2009

I always know when he's back in town, because it becomes stormy again

I was harrassed last night by the deadbeat... at 2:30 am. I bite back... I shouldn't have, but I did. I really need to practise some more control over my impulses. How can I have been married to someone for almost 2 decades and not know what a sociopathic pathetic excuse for a human he is. I told him that difficult times are a test to a person's mettle... and he failed gloriously. The worst part of it is how to uses the children as pawns in his evil game to ruin my life. I have toughened up some. I'm not the complete submissive woman I used to be. I fight back now, and try not to let him call all the shots. He was a shitty husband, unfortunatly. I was his trophy/piece of meat/doormat. He never really did like me all that much. When I begged him to seek counseling years ago (11, to be exact), he laughed in my face and told me I was the problem. Because we had three children together, I just put my head in the sand like an ostrich. I guess it became too much for me.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happy Canada Day

Today I will write about my divorce. I am going to randomly write things, in no particular order. The deadbeat still refuses to pay for his children. Nevermind spousal... When they come to me, he sends them with no money. They have to ask my partner for money if they want to do anything, as I am currently unemployed.

He keeps sending me these proposals and tries to bully me into accepting a deal that suits him. My lawyer thinks if I accept, I am getting screwed.

One day I'll write my whole story. Just because.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

It's a beautiful hot summer day today and I'm going to make a chilled soup.

Here's the recipe

Chilled Cucumber, Avocado and Shrimp Soup

1 medium avocado
1 medium cucumber
1 1/2 cups chicken or vegetable broth
1 cup plain yogurt
2 tbsp lime juice
1 tsp salt
1 cup diced, cooked shrimp
2 green onions, finely chopped
4 small, cooked, peeled shrimp

Cut the avocado in half and remove the pit. Wrap half the avocado in plastic wrap and set aside.
Peel the other half of the avocado, then cut it into chunks. Place the avocado, cucumber, broth, yogurt, lime juice and salt in the bowl of a blender. Process until smooth and creamy. Transfer the mixture to a bowl and refrigerate for at least 1 hour or until very cold.
To serve, peel and dice the remaining avocado half. Stir the avocado into the soup along with the diced shrimp. Ladle the soup into 4 bowls, sprinkle with green onions and float a single shrimp on top of each.

June 27, 2009

The dog started whining at 5:30am. At least I didn't drink last night. I was wide awake and conscious of her waking everyone else up in the house. It's a love hate relationship. Well, not so much hate as much as frustration. Since my ex and I split up, I think the dog is taking it harder than the kids. She's become incredibly needy. I'm making a conscious effort to become a better dog owner. This Portuguese water dog needs to be exercised more and trained properly. I hope it's not too late. She's already 5. Off to take her for a walk/run. Next up: why I decided to blog...